Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Exploited "On Stage"

What a pose we are, what punk blog could be complete without the Exploited? i had the privilege of opening for this cocksucker when i was a child, and he kicked in my fucking guitar amp. Bastard! it wouldn't be till 15 years later that i would see him at some fancy shmancy cocktail party and he's offering me corner store speed in a bathroom stall. you fucking prick! you kicked my amp in when i was a child! you scarred my brain! you think you're punk? you're a fucking cocksucker with some shitty speed! go fuck yourself! we then got engaged and married at the bar. it was festivious occasion and i left him outside as the black cab drove me through the rest of my night with a pocket full of his speed.

file under ;;;; you gotta love 'ole Wattie


1] Cop Cars
2] Crashed Out
3] Dole Q
4] Dogs Of War
5] Army Life
6] Out Of Control
7] Ripper
8] Mod Song
9] Exploited Barmy Army
10] Royalty
11] SPG
12] Sex & Violence
13] Punk's Not Dead
14] I Believe In Anarchy

The Exploited - Mediafire


The Exploited - Megaupload

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